My hobby amateur radio (ham radio)

This is the front view of my radio station. The computers are a bit "aged", but they are still useful for data transmission via radio (packet radio). Packet-Radio is a radio network with which radio amateurs exchange data worldwide. In addition to various radios, two shortwave receivers can be seen on the right half of the screen. For example, you can receive weather data from all over the world.

My QSL-Card (2000)

Radio amateurs send themselves cards to confirm their radio communications. On the back of these QSL cards, all radio connection data such as call sign, name and location of the amateur radio station and date of the radio connection are recorded. The front is usually decorated with a picture and the callsign. In radio contests, the QSL cards are evaluated and points are awarded depending on the distance covered.

My electronic QSL card (eQSL)

In the computer age it is also possible to send QSL cards over the Internet. The recipient can then print them out on his computer. The system checks whether the sender's data is correct.

If this is the case, a certificate will be issued:

A selection of my eQSL card collection

My self-designed SSTV testcard
A ZIP archive with MMSSTV audio files can be downloaded here.

Handheld radio (digital & analogue) with individually designed boot screen

In addition to analogue radio communication, digital radio communication is also used by radio amateurs today. The radios of the latest generation usually also have the possibility to transmit GPS position data. With the appropriate configuration, this data is transmitted in real time and displayed on the APRS homepage.

QRV on 2m / 70cm out of the beach chair

QRV on shortwave with an SDR transceiver and an end fed long wire antenna

The antenna has an excellent standing wave ratio on the classic SW bands

Ham radio activity from the 'Ginsberger Heide' park (POTA DE-0533)

DX contact with low power on the 10m band in SSB over a distance of 8867km

Worldwide received FT4/FT8 signals transmitted from my QRP station

The station consisted of my SDR transceiver XIEGU G90, a vertical antenna for 10m and an iPhone with the iFTx app. No adapters or cables were used. Just the original microphones and loudspeakers. I operated the PTT by hand. I think the results are impressive. This was an experiment. In the long run, the operation would be too tedious for me, and I had to rely on a low-noise environment.

HF diploma from Spain earned with my low power ham radio station (20W)

Todd (DK6TL) and I participated in the Brazilian CVA DX contest in August 2024. We had our station set up in the field and were QRV in SSB with 90W and a vertical antenna. Conditions on the 10m band were good and we were able to work some stations from Brazil and one station from Argentina. The maximum distance reached was 11700km.

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Copyright © 1997, Ulrich Klappert, Last Updated: 2024-09-08